A Joyful Thankful Thanksgiving
This is the time of year when I count my blessings and remind myself what I am truly thankful for. My wonderful husband, John, and my three sons, Hunter, Jacob, & Trevor always top my list, followed closely by food, clothing, & shelter. I am thankful for my health, all of my family and friends, coffee, chocolate (m&m's specifically), good beer, good music, modern appliances & electricity, and [gasp] technology. And my list would not be complete without... Knitting (but you knew that!)
I am thankful for all the time that I spend knitting for others and all the time that I spend teaching others how to knit. I am also thankful for adorable models whose parents send me pictures that I can share here. You may remember my blog post from November 6, 2008 where I alluded to making two more [knit hats] for a set of toddler twins. Well, here they are in their hats. Can you tell them apart (not the hats, the twins)??
A year after I made them, the hats still fit & the girls STILL wear them! Aren't they cute (not the hats, the twins)??
Thanksgiving is usually the time I reflect on the past year in preparation for our annual Holiday Letter. So, tomorrow, while giant balloons float down the streets of Manhattan, and footballs fly fearlessly down the field, I'll be writing down memories on pieces of scrap paper while sitting comfortably down on my couch.