Tuesday, February 17, 2009

D.E.A.K. this!

Have you ever been in the middle of knitting something and then decided that there was something else you just had to knit instead? (Like, that has NEVER happened to you??) Of course, this is how UFOs are born... projects get put on the "back burner" so you can knit something more interesting, exciting, or necessary.

Thanks to my son (and his teacher) I have coined a new phrase for the Knitting Community at large, that I hope catches on:

DEAK this!
It stands for Drop Everything And Knit this [pattern or project].

It connotes a sense of urgency for which you MUST drop your current project in order to complete the new one. To DEAK is to tweak your priorities to accomodate your own personal knitting agenda. For example, "I had to DEAK a pair of mittens for an upcoming school auction." Or, "I DEAKed a scarf for a friend's birthday." Usually, items you DEAK are smaller projects, finishable in a week's time, and intended as a gift or for a charity.

I am currently DEAKing a pair of "Year of the Ox" slippers for an Art Show (see earlier post). Just be warned, the more you DEAK, the more UFOs you will create!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

סריגה, סריגה, וגם סריגה

S'riygah, S'riygah, v'gam S'riygah. This is Hebrew for "Knitting, Knitting, and also Knitting," the title of an Israeli blogger's post. Yes, I was looking at ANOTHER country's Knitting blog!! An Israeli camper taught me the Hebrew word for Knitting last Summer, and now I can spend MORE time reading MORE blogs from MORE countries. Now you can too. Oy vey!

סריגה, סריגה וגם סריגה
Knitting, Knitting, and also Knitting

הסריגה שלי ואני
My Knitting and Me>


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Pardon Me (I Didn't Knit That for You)

This is a VERY FUNNY song I found on YouTube that I had to share. The lyrics are hysterical. Talk about an embarrassing situation... Make sure you lock up your WIPs (works in progress) before you walk away!

And if you have 6:44 minutes to spare, watch "The Last Knit" in my sidebar. When knitting becomes an obsession...