(Starbucks) RED & my HAND (knits)
So I was in Starbucks last night for my weekly fix of knitting in public with the Arlington, MA Knitters and a few things caught my eye:
Firstly, the legs of the display tables were completely wrapped in a red cable-knit fabric (tho' probably machine knit). WHO in their right mind decided to design a giant knit "leg" warmer for all the tables? What will happen to all these lovely "sweaters-sans-arms" after the holiday season passes?? Simply cut a pair of holes, sew in some arms and donate them! It was flattering, as a knitter of course, to see that Starbucks has embraced all the knitting groups who have chosen the coffee haven for their weekly knitting groups.
This brings me to my second observation: If you look closely at the seasonal Starbucks "( )RED" cups, you'll see a faint knit fabric in the background of the design. Did the same inspired designer slap a sweater on a scanner and, voila, the background layer for a Photoshop file called "StarbucksHolidayCup2008"? Even some of the employees hadn't noticed. It must take a knitter to recognize knitting.
Thirdly, the retail ceramic holiday mugs have a knitting design on them! Not sure if I want to wash in hot, soapy water; they might shrink and hold less coffee. Gasp!
Fourthly, lots of knit ornaments hanging up on display. A-ha, I finally see the holiday theme brewing (pun intended.)
Why do I tell you all this? Because I believe that if Starbucks genuinely embraced all the knitting that happens within its walls, they would improve the lighting so we could all knit socks on US size 1 needles with black yarn. LOL
Remember the photo above, taken in front of the ( ) RED poster with my cell phone camera? Didja think it was a little dark? Better lighting, at least near the in-store poster, would have improved my chances of capturing a reasonable image. But, I'll be back at Starbucks next Tuesday night -- with my knitting, my reusable cup cozy, AND a better camera.
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